Research engineer at Inria Paris in the team MAMBA.

I am interested in the mathematical modelling and analysis of physical and biological phenomena, especially with perspectives in medical applications. My main focus is on modelling, that is the translation of empirical observations of physical, biological or sociological phenomena into mathematical equations, in order to reproduce or mimic said observations.

Email :

Office :
319, corridor 16-26, 3rd floor
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
Sorbonne Université
4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

Orcid : 0009-0002-5751-1533


  1. P. Chassonnery, J. Paupert, A. Lorsignol, C. Sévérac, M. Ousset, P. Degond, L. Casteilla and D. Peurichard. Fiber crosslinking drives the emergence of order in a 3D dynamical network model. Journal of Royal Society Open Science, 11:231456, Jan 2024. doi:10.1098/rsos.231456
  2. P. Chassonnery and R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta. Dynamics of a superdense cluster of black holes and the formation of the Galactic supermassive black hole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504(3):3909–3921, Apr 2021. doi:10.1093/mnras/stab1016


Codes and other resources

Here is a list of softwares and/or user manuals I wrote, with links to the resources.


The model ATmorpho-3D was developed during my PhD thesis to study the emergence of the 3D architecture of white adipose tissue. It is a three-dimensional Individual-Based Model describing the insemination and growth of round cells in a network of dynamically interconnected spherocylindrical fibres.

A Fortran code to run simulations of this model is available on GitHub with a user manual.

User Manual for the ARWV Code

This manual is made to facilitate the proper use of a sophisticated, high precision, open source program intended to integrate a few-body problem (N ≤ 500) for the coordinates and velocities of stellar bodies. The program ARWV was originally developed by S. Mikkola and subsequently improved by various people, including myself, to treat a variety of cases.

It is available on arXiv

Past positions

PhD student at RESTORE (Toulouse) and LJLL (Paris)

From september 2020 to december 2023, I was a PhD student in applied mathematics at the RESTORE Institute and the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (LJLL) under the supervision of Louis Casteilla and Diane Peurichard. We were interested in modelling the emergence of the 3D architecture of biological tissues, starting with two relatively simple cases : a non-specialised connective tissue reduced to its extracellular matrix component and the white adipose tissue.

The project was supported by Sorbonne University Alliance through the Emergence project MATHREGEN under grant number S29-05Z101, by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) through the grant number ANR-22-CE45-0024-01 and by the Programme des Investissements d’Avenir through the grant EUR CARe N°ANR-18-EURE-0003.

Some links